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German course in Zurich: What is C1 level German course?

Level C1 is the third level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and includes the following competencies:

- Reading comprehension: You can understand longer and more complex texts such as newspaper articles and literary texts.

- Listening comprehension: You can understand longer and more complex listening texts such as lectures and discussions.

- Speaking: You can talk about topics accurately and in detail and present your own opinions and experiences.

- Writing: You can write a text in detail without having to search for words.

How difficult is German C1?

The Level C1 in German requires a very high language level and is therefore correspondingly difficult. For many students, the C1 level in German is a great challenge. However, there are also many resources to prepare for the exam. With the right motivation and the will to pass the exam, anyone can pass the C1 level!

What are the course contents of German course C1?

The course content of C1 German course is very diverse. Besides grammar and vocabulary, pronunciation, listening comprehension and writing skills are also trained. In the courses, much emphasis is placed on the communicative ability of the participants.

The courses are structured in such a way that the participants progress in small steps and develop steadily. New topics are also introduced time and again, so that participants not only improve their German, but also expand their knowledge of the German language and culture.

What do you need German C1 for?

For many people it is important to reach a certain language level. This can be for professional or personal reasons. Often the language level C1 is seen as a kind of minimum requirement if you want to study at a university.

Placement tests of the ILS-Zürich

Don't know what level of German you have? Check your level now with the placement test at ILS-Zürich ! You can find our placement tests here:

German B1.1 Ensitufungstest

German B1.2 placement test

German course in Zurich



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