Super-Intensive German Course in Zurich

Description & Course Objective:

The best option for people who want to learn German as quickly as possible. In our Super-Intensive German courses, you will quickly learn the basic structures and vocabulary of the German language through everyday conversation and listening comprehension exercises, role-plays, grammar and many other exercises. Super-Intensive German courses are suitable for people with a high degree of time flexibility who want to achieve learning success as quickly as possible.

Level duration & course costs - Super-Intensive German Course

How much does a superintensive German course in Zurich cost?

Installment rate*.
A1.1, A1.2, A2.1, A2.2, B1.1, B1.23 weeks
60 lect.CHF 1050.-CHF 17.52 x 525
B2.1, B2.2, C1.1, C1.24 weeks
80 lect.CHF 1'400.-CHF 17.52 x 700
A1, A2, B16 weeks
120 lect.CHF 1'900.-CHF 15.852 x 950
B2, C18 weeks
160 lect.CHF 2'600.-CHF 16.252 x 1300
*Surcharge CHF 15 per installment


Course days & times German courses in Zurich

What are the course days and times for the Superintensive German courses in Zurich?

Course optionCourse daysCourse times
Super-Intensive German CourseMonday till Friday09:00 - 12:15
Intensive German CourseMonday till Friday09:00 - 10:30 (A1-B1) /
10:45 - 12:15 (B2-C1)
Intensive courses afternoonMonday till Friday15:00 - 16:30
German morning courseTuesday & Thursday09:00 - 10:30 (A1-B1) /
10:45 - 12:15 (B2-C1)
Intensive German Evening CourseMonday till Thursday17:30 - 19:00
Evening German CourseMonday & Wednesday /
Tuesday & Thursday
19:15 - 20:45
Saturday German courseSaturday09:00 - 12:15

Next course start date Super-Intensive German course in Zurich

When does the next Superintensive German course start?

Course levelPeriodDurationCourse timePrice
German A1.1 & A1.217.03.2025 - 25.04.20256 weeks10:00 - 13:15CHF 1900.-
German A2.1 & A2.217.03.2025 - 25.04.20256 weeks10:00 - 13:15CHF 1900.-
German B1.1 & B1.217.03.2025 - 25.04.20256 weeks09:00 - 12:15CHF 1900.-
German B2.1 & B2.217.03.2025 - 09.05.20258 weeks09:00 - 12:15CHF 2600.-
German C1.1 & C1.217.03.2025 - 09.05.20258 weeks09:00 - 12:15CHF 2600.-

Start dates A1/A2/B1 Super-Intensive German Course 2025

When does the next Superintensive German course start?

CourseLevelCourse startEnd of course
German Course Super-IntensiveA1/A2/B117.03.202525.04.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveA1/A2/B107.04.202516.05.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveA1/A2/B128.04.202506.06.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveA1/A2/B119.05.202527.06.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveA1/A2/B109.06.202518.07.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveA1/A2/B130.06.202508.08.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveA1/A2/B121.07.202529.08.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveA1/A2/B111.08.202519.09.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveA1/A2/B101.09.202510.10.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveA1/A2/B122.09.202531.10.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveA1/A2/B113.10.202521.11.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveA1/A2/B103.11.202512.12.2025

Start dates B2/C1 Super-Intensive German courses 2025

When does the next Superintensive German course start?

CourseLevelCourse startEnd of course
German Course Super-IntensiveB2/C117.03.202509.05.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveB2/C107.04.202530.05.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveB2/C128.04.202520.06.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveB2/C119.05.202511.07.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveB2/C109.06.202501.08.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveB2/C130.06.202522.08.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveB2/C121.07.202512.09.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveB2/C111.08.202503.10.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveB2/C101.09.202524.10.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveB2/C122.09.202514.11.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveB2/C113.10.202505.12.2025
German Course Super-IntensiveB2/C103.11.202526.12.2025
Career changers: You can join current courses at any time. You only pay for the lessons you have booked.

You will receive:

  • a joint brunch with all German classes of the morning courses
  • Homework and exercises for self-study
  • voluntary activities and excursions such as picnic, city golf, city tour, game night and much more
  • a competent accompaniment of a teacher during the lessons
  • a good school atmosphere and motivated team, which will accompany and support you professionally

*The costs of paid excursions and activities are covered by the participants.


A1 to C1

Course duration:

A shorter course duration is also possible on request.


Holidays are not charged for courses that take place every day.


The courses are started from 3 participants.


50.- CHF per lower school incl. 1 course book

Didn't find what you were looking for? Discover our other course options:

Private lessons

German course

Super intensive course

German course

Intensive course

German course

Afternoon course

German course

Saturday course

German course

Evening course (2x/W)

German course

Evening course (1x/W)

German course

Morning course

German course

ILS-Zürich Super-intensive German courses: Maximum learning in the shortest possible time

If you want to take your German to a new level in the shortest possible time, the super-intensive German courses at ILS-Zürich are the ideal choice. These intensive language courses offer you an effective way to learn German quickly and sustainably. In this article, we will introduce you to the advantages of the ILS-Zürich super -intensive German courses and give you an insight into the prices and offers.

Advantages of the super-intensive German courses at ILS-Zürich:

Maximum learning in the shortest possible time:

The super-intensive German courses at ILS-Zürich enable you to make great progress in a short space of time. Thanks to the intensive timetable and the high number of lessons per day, you have the opportunity to work intensively with the German language and improve your skills quickly. These courses are particularly suitable for learners who need to prepare quickly for a certain language level or who have limited time for language acquisition.

Experienced and qualified teachers:

At ILS-Zürich you will be taught by experienced and qualified teachers who have extensive experience in teaching German as a foreign language. They will help you to develop your language skills, consolidate your grammar and improve your communication skills. Their expertise and motivating teaching style will help you get the most out of your Super Intensive German course.

Individual support and personal feedback:

Despite the intensive course structure, ILS-Zürich attaches great importance to individual support and personal feedback. Group sizes are deliberately kept small to ensure that each student receives sufficient attention and can achieve their individual learning goals. The teachers are on hand to answer your questions, help you overcome difficulties and give you valuable feedback so that you can improve your language skills in a targeted manner.

Hands-on teaching and interactive learning methods:

The super-intensive German courses at ILS-Zürich are characterized by practice-oriented lessons and interactive learning methods. You will not only cram grammar rules, but also use the German language in everyday situations and strengthen your communicative skills. Role plays, group work, discussions and multimedia resources will actively involve you in the learning process and help you gain confidence in using the German language more quickly.

Attractive prices and flexible payment options:

At ILS-Zürich , the prices for the super-intensive German courses are staggered according to language level in order to meet your individual needs. The courses at levels A1, A2 and B1 cost a total of CHF 1800. These courses provide a solid foundation for beginners and enable you to successfully get started with the German language. For advanced learners who wish to further improve their language skills at levels B2 and C1, the cost is CHF 2400.

Couldn't find what you were looking for? Check all our courses and find the one that suits you best!

Superintensive German courses in small groups 4 lessons daily (bestseller)