
Course content for B1 German courses

In this article you will learn which book is covered in the German B1 course as well as which topics are on which page.

Steps plus new
German B1.1

Chapter 1Happiness in everyday lifeKB 10-21 FROM 10-20Childhood, past, happiness Conjugation in the past tense, conjunction as, past perfect tense
Chapter 2EntertainmentKB 22-33 FROM 21-32Entertainment, music, television Conjunction although, degree particle, relative pronoun der, die, das and relative clause
Chapter 3Stay healthyKB 34-45 FROM 33-43Health, health care, doctor Passive present tense with modal verbs, genitive with definite and indefinite article
Chapter 4LanguagesKB 46-57 FROM 44-53Languages, multilingualism Subjunctive II, preposition wegen + genitive
Chapter 5Find a jobKB 58-69 FROM 54-63Career aspirations, job search, job application Infinitive with zu, temporal prepositions + genitive
Chapter 6ServiceKB 70-81 FROM 64-74Everyday work, profession, services, complaining Verbs and expressions with es, conjunctions um ... zu, statt/ohne ... zu
Chapter 7Around livingKB 82-93 FROM 75-84Conflicts and rules, living situation Two-part conjunctions, subjunctive II past, repetition of verbs with prepositions, preposition trotz + genitive

Steps plus new
German B1.2

Lesson 8Among colleaguesKB 94-105
AB 86-97
Work and colleagues, dealings in the office conjunction if, two-part conjunction ever ... the more/the less, relative clause with preposition, adjective as noun, n-declension
Lesson 9Virtual worldKB 106-117
AB 98-109
Technology and everyday life, digital media conjunctions during, after, before, as if
Lesson 10Advertising and consumptionKB 118-129
AB 110-119
Products and advertising, complaints, mishaps Two-part conjunction both ... and, neither ... nor, relative clause with where and what, present participle as adjective
Lesson 11With each otherKB 130-141
AB 120-131
rules and laws, countries and customs, being foreign, manners Future tense I, conjunction da
Lesson 12Social commitmentKB 142-153
AB 132-142
Associations, role models, social commitment, matters of conscience. Conjunctions since/then, until, in that, without that/without to, preposition except + dative case
Lesson 13From politics and historyKB 154-165
AB 143-154
Biographies, democracy, politics and society Passive perfect, passive past tense, adjective declension with comparative and superlative
Lesson 14Old and new homeKB 166-177
AB 155-163
specialties, home, Europe Repeat word formation nouns, repeat verbs with prepositions, repeat prepositional adverbs