
Course content for A2 Spanish courses

In this article you will learn which book is covered in the Spanish A2 course as well as which topics are on which page.

Spanish A2

Chapter 1Learn languagesKB 7-15 AB111-119Justify something Conduct an interview Express a favor Name objects in the classroom Talk about the learning process Determine one's own learning type The pronouns after prepositions In the sentence: justification and purpose Desde and desde Hace The doubling of the indirect object
Chapter 2Report on eventsKB 17-25AB 120-129Reading a biography and naming important biographical data Telling about events in one's life Telling about (recent) past Answering questions about history Making impersonal statements Compiling historical events The indefinido: forms regular and irregular The indefinido: use
Chapter 3GiftsKB 27-35 FROM 130-138Naming the departments of a department store Making a selection Distinguishing between items with different characteristics Choosing a gift for someone Reasons for choosing a gift Receipt Making gifts Choosing birthday presents The indirect and direct object pronouns The position of the object pronouns ¿qué? and ¿cuál?
Chapter 4How it was beforeKB 41-49 FROM 140-149Describing situations in the past Talking about life circumstances Describing objects in material and form Describing behaviour in the present and past Describing people's appearance in the past Book review Objects in the past and today Organizing an exhibition in the course The imperfecto: regular and irregular forms The imperfecto: use The possessive pronouns
Chapter 5StoriesKB 51-59 FROM 150-159Describing habits, circumstances and situations in the past Recounting events Telling a story Recounting a special moment in life Fairy tales Jokes Creating a collection of stories The imperfecto: Using the imperfecto and indefinido in stories Time references in stories
Chapter 6Work and professionKB 61-69 FROM 160-169Describing characteristics of occupations Talking about qualifications Describing activities in everyday life at work Asking for something and responding to a request Computer screen Time as a cultural value at work Preparing for a job interview The demonstrative pronouns and companions The adverbs of place The position of pronouns in the imperative
Chapter 7Festivals and celebrationsKB 75-83 FROM 172-181Inviting someone Accepting or declining an invitation Expressing congratulations Talking about traditional celebrations Making impersonal statements Describing procedures in time Recipe Celebrations and music Preparing a party for class The verbal circumlocutions with soler Object pronouns: a + person Impersonal statements with se Prepositions when telling time
Chapter 8The cityKB 85-93 FROM 182-191Making geographic statements Comparing cities and justifying a choice Compiling information about a city Collecting advantages and disadvantages about the city Leading a short discussion Metroplan The quality of life in big cities Making a ranking of European cities Prepositions: geographic statement The comparative In the sentence: comparison, justification and inference
Chapter 9Social relationsKB 95-103 FROM 192-200Describing people's character Giving advice Starting a conversation and conducting it appropriately Giving and responding to compliments Talking about changes Horoscope Features of spoken language Writing a scene for a screenplay The affirmative imperative The negative imperative: forms Verbal paraphrases with infinitive and gerundio
AppendixExercises for Unidades 1-9 Model test Start A2 Grammar overview Word list by lesson Alphabetical vocabulary Key to the workbookP. 111 P. 202 P. 208 P. 241 P. 258 P. 270