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Your writing style could benefit from these 10 transitional English words

Mastering transition words is crucial to improving your English writing skills. Transition words help you connect your thoughts clearly and coherently, making your writing more fluent and professional. In this article, we will introduce you to ten important English transition words that will take your writing to the next level.

1- However (However)

"However" is used to express a contrast or qualification. It introduces a thought that is in contrast to the previous one. You can use "however" to make a contradiction clear or to introduce an alternative perspective.

Example: I wanted to go to the cinema. However, I didn't have time.

2- In addition

"In addition" is used to add another idea, information, or argument. It indicates that something more is added to what has already been said. This transition word is useful to expand your statements and bring in additional aspects or examples.

Example: Our new director can speak three languages. In addition, he has six years of experience.

3- On the other hand

"On the other hand" is used to contrast a previous statement. It indicates that an alternative perspective or aspect is being considered. You can use this expression to present a juxtaposition and illustrate different points of view or opinions.

Example: The film was very exciting. On the other hand, the music was way too loud.

4- Furthermore (exterior)

"Furthermore" is used to add an additional piece of information or point. It indicates that a statement or argument is being expanded. By using "furthermore" you can deepen your thoughts and provide more supporting details.

Example: It's costly and, furthermore, the process is untried.

5- Therefore (Therefore)

"Therefore" is used to draw a conclusion or consequence from a previous statement. It indicates that a result is logical or compelling. When you use "therefore", you connect cause and effect and clarify the consequence of your argument.

Example: The weather was bad. Therefore, we stayed at home.

6- Moreover (Beyond)

"Moreover" is used to present additional information that supports or reinforces what was previously said. It emphasizes that an idea or statement is further supported. By using "moreover" you can strengthen your argument and introduce additional relevant points.

Example: She speaks fluent English. Furthermore she understands French.

7- In conclusion

"In conclusion" is used to present a summary or conclusion. It signals that the previous points are summarized. You can use this expression to conclude your thoughts and reemphasize the main points of your argument.

Example: In conclusion, it can be said that sport has a positive influence on health.

8- Nonetheless (Nevertheless)

"Nonetheless" is used to express a contrast or qualification to a previous statement. It indicates that despite a previously mentioned factor, another statement exists. You can use this expression to introduce a contrast and present a continuing idea despite existing limitations.

Example: The meal in the restaurant was expensive. Nonetheless, it was very tasty.

9- In contrast (In contrast to)

"In contrast" is used to indicate a contrast with a previous statement. It emphasizes the difference between two ideas, concepts, or situations. You can use this expression to emphasize a clear contrast and juxtapose two opposing points of view.

Example: The old building had a lot of charm. In contrast, the modern apartment was very cold and impersonal.

10- As a result

"As a result" is used to describe a consequence or consequence of a previous statement. It signals that a particular action, decision, or situation has led to a particular result. You can use this expression to connect cause and effect and to clarify the consequences of your statements.

Example: He worked hard and as a result he got the promotion.

The targeted use of transition words can have a significant impact on the quality of your writing and make your texts appear more professional. By incorporating these ten English transition words into your vocabulary, you will be able to present your ideas effortlessly and captivate your readers. If you would like to further improve your English language skills, we recommend enrolling at our renowned language school, ILS-Zürich.

Language school ILS-Zürich

ILS-Zürich is a leading language school offering tailor-made courses for English learners of all levels. Our qualified teachers and interactive learning methods will help you improve your English language skills and develop your writing skills. Visit our website at ils-zuerich.chto find out more about our English courses and individual learning opportunities.

Whether you want to improve your career prospects, succeed in your studies or simply improve your communication skills, ILS-Zürich will help you achieve your goals. Invest in your language skills and discover the many opportunities they can open up for you.

Practice using these transition words in your own texts and watch your written English soar to the next level. With ILS-Zürich by your side, you'll be well on your way to becoming a confident and accomplished English writer. Visit us today!